Therefore encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Pastor Allan Taruste
I was born in 1969, on the other hemisphere, in Estonia, then part of the Soviet Union, and became a pastor there in 1996. I came to Australia to work for the Estonian church abroad and have lived in Australia (on and off) for just over 10 years, having only recently being able to join the ranks of the LCA pastors, for which I'm very thankful.
My interests are mainly Sci-Fi and tinkering with computers.
I trust God has put me here for a reason, even though he might never let me know what that reason might be.
Our Team
PASTOR Allan Taruste 0468 763 605
SECRETARY 0468 763 605
Lay assistants
John, Brad, Alan
Reka – M Church Music
Maryanne, John
Hans, Alan
Visual arts
Elaine, Selma
Norma, Leanne, Angela, Sue, Elaine, John, Alan.
Church cleaners
James, Elaine, Alan
Church council and rostered helpers all go towards making St Matthew's a strong, worthwhile parish to call home! If you feel that you would like to be involved with the volunteer opportunities, please let the secretary know!
Carpool, cleaning, computer, flowers, groundskeeping, morning tea, organist, visual arts, vestment maker, welcomer.
Church council
Chairman, vice chairman, secretary, treasurer, general members.
Pastoral care
Lay assistant, Lay reader.